Best E-Scooter Sharing Berlin

Find the Best E-Scooter Sharing Companies in Berlin

You might have already noticed that Berlin is full of these new fast E-Scooters.

And no, not all E-Scooters are organised as nicely as in our picture above 🙂

After changing the laws recently and making E-Scooters with a max. speed of 20km/h legal in Germany new E-Scooter sharing companies popped up like crazy.

You might feel remembered back to the days when bike-sharing services appeared just over night.

But it looks like that the new E-Scooter trend is picking up even quicker than the bike-sharing!

To help you to not get lost with seemingly new companies offering their E-Scooters we have put together the most important ones and compare their prices + services.

We will constantly update this list to keep you up to date.

Overview E-Scooters Berlin

Price1€ to start ride
15 cents/min
1€ to start ride
19 cents/min
1€ to start ride
25 cents/min
1€ to start ride
20 cents/min
1€ to start ride
20 cents/min
No. of scooters at the same time11111
Quality of E-ScootersVery good, but brakes could be betterGoodVery good, but heavier than other modelsGreatGood
Also E-Bikes availableYesNoYesNoNo
Worldwide availabilityEuropeEuropeYesNoYes
Payment OptionsCredit cardCredit card
Credit card
Credit cardCredit card

Voi E-Scooter

Voi E-Scooter

Voi is one of the pioneers of E-Scooter sharing in Berlin.

Started from day one you have probably already seen hundreds of Voi E-Scooters cruising past you.

Voi has already several different E-Scooter models on the street with improved design and battery life.

Furthermore, Voi is also offering E-Bikes all in the same app.

So no need to download several different apps, just get the Voi App (follow the app above) or visit their website for more information.

What we really love is how you can earn some free minutes.

Voi is offering some courses so you can learn to safely drive the scooters in Berlin.

Sign up and get some free minutes.

Furthermore, they have come up with a daily/monthly pass which comes with some benefits such a free first 45 minutes rides (of course you still need to pay the daily/monthly subscription fee first).

Also check in the app for the prices as they can vary from city to city.

Tier Mobility

Tier E-Scooter

A true Berlin based company and on top of that (we are always proud of any Berlin company) they are pledging to be climate neutral!

What we noticed with Tier E-Scooters, and we think this is an awesome idea, is that they in certain areas restrict the speed of the bike according to the rules in these areas.

Other than that Tier E-Scooters are very similar to any other E-Scooters available.

Easy to start and easy to drive.

You will easily spot them with their slim design and black and turquoise painting.

Just download the app by following our link above or visit their website for more information.

If you are working for a big company you can ask your bosses if they do not want to take part in their B2B program.

This way you can avoid the overfilled public transport during rush hour, save money on the BVG monthly ticket and instead take an E-Scooter to work.

Lime E-Scooter

Lime E-Scooter

Does the green black color combination look familiar?

Of course it does, as Lime is one of the biggest E-Bike sharing company here in Berlin already.

And now that you have already installed their app to rent bikes you can also easily choose an E-Scooter as an alternative.

You will notice that Lime brands their Scooters as Lime-S to distinguish them from their E-Bikes, which are called Lime-E accordingly.

As Lime is one of the biggest global E-mobility companies we think this should be your No.1 pick as you can easily rent one of their E-Scooters or E-Bikes when you travel with your same account.

It really looks like the future of mobility is electronic and it already started 🙂

Circ E-Scooter

Circ E-Scooter

Another German E-Scooter sharing company and another great choice for you.

Circ just rebranded itself (formerly Flash) but the service stayed the same.

Similar to all other service you only need to download the app, find the nearest E-Scooter and get going.

However availability seems to be sometimes an issue, we guess that Circ does not have that many E-Scooters on the streets compared to e.g. Lime.

Bird E-Scooter

Available in already over 100 cities worldwide and counting!

So if you have not yet found the perfect E-Scooter company then give Bird a try.

Similar to Voi they also have already a second version of their E-Scooter in production.

And similar to e.g. Lime you can enjoy driving Bird E-Scooter in all mayor cities worldwide when travelling.

So if you are into sightseeing without having to walk too much Bird is your choice.

E-Scooter Tutorial and FAQs

As this is a new trend and within the first weeks there have been already a lot of problems with E-Scooters we thought it helpful to clear some things up.

Do I need to wear a helmet?

No, you are not required by law to wear a helmet. But ask yourself would you really like to crash with 20km/h without a helmet?

So, same for bike-sharing, we highly encourage wearing a helmet.

Do I need a driver license to ride an E-Scooter?

No, you do not need to have a valid drivers license to drive an E-Scooter in Germany.

How old do I have to be to drive an E-Scooter?

Anybody older than 14 years is allowed to drive an E-Scooter in Germany.

Can I drive an E-Scooter on the sidewalk?

No, you are never allowed to ride an E-Scooter on the sidewalk.

Roughly the same rules for E-Scooters apply for bikes, so always use the street or if available the bicycle path.

Alternatives to E-Scooters

In case you are feeling a bit nostalgic and you prefer a bike to get from A to B have a look at our overview of Bikesharing companies in Berlin.